Friday, 20 March 2015

The Fake World Tournament!

The Fake World Tournament is a MUGEN AI tournament where 16 people will make a team of four to participate in CPU fights. The owner of the winning team will win the following Steam games!

·         Surgeon Simulator 2013
·         Frozen Synapse
·         Dead Space
·         Legend of Grimrock
·         Scribblenauts Unlimited
·         Risk of Rain
·         Tower of Guns

The tournament will use a standard ladder system on Challonge. The team fights will be best 2 out of 3 and will be streamed on hitbox at a future date (advanced notice will be given on Tumblr). Footage of the fights will also be saved and uploaded onto my YouTube channel.

Only the first 16 people to send a team will make it into the tournament.
In addition to the list, there is a video that presents a slideshow of the character portraits. Use the video as a reference to check if the Raiden on the list is from either Fatal Fury or Mortal Kombat.


To participate send me a PM on Tumblr using the following template. Character names must be copied + pasted exactly as they appear on the roster list, including the author.

Your credited name:
Team name:
Character 1:
Character 2:
Character 3:
Character 4:


Q: Won't this be horribly unbalanced?
A: Its a Mugen roster of 667 characters, of course it'll be unbalanced.

Q: What’s stopping me from just choosing the most broken characters?
A: Nothing, really. But this tournament is purely for fun and having someone playing solely to win would be kind of lame. Pick characters you like, make a themed team, this is to celebrate the absurd matchups Mugen provides and embrace its dumb unbalanced nature. Besides, you might be surprised exactly who is and is not broken in the roster.

Q: If it’s just for fun then why is there a prize?
A: Because entering and watching a tournament when there’s something material at stake makes it even more fun.

Q: What if I want to critique your roster?
A: Don't. Thanks.

Q: Do all your characters have AI?
A: Most do, not all. Sorry, but it’s virtually impossible for me to separate them. You’ll just have to hope for the best. Note that some characters have had AI patches.

Q: Why does the roster list have typos in it?
A: It’s a long story that involves me not wanting to manually type out the entire thing, one character at a time.

Q: Is there anything that can give me an edge?
A: You can see my roster in action in this playlist. There’s over 13 hours of footage there, so have fun doing research.

Q: When exactly will the tournament be streamed?
A: Depends on how quickly people respond to this and what personal time I can get. I’ll let people know in advance when its happening though.

Q: What if I don’t want the steam games?
A: They’re game codes so feel free to give them to someone.

Q: How do I play? I thought Mugen doesn’t have netplay.

A: Just to make this clear- you’re choosing a team of four characters that’ll be controlled by AI. Its purely a spectator thing.

The Fake World Tournament Roster


Please send your team as a PM on Tumblr using the following template:

Your credited name:
Team name:
Character 1:
Character 2:
Character 3:
Character 4:

Video reference guide

Noob Saibot by OMEGAPSYCHO-MK(Secret
A.B.A by mutelci
ARASHI by ali
AXL by mutelci
Abdul by Nimame
Abobo by ("o")
Abubo by RYO zoos + us
Adelheid by beppu
Adon by ("o")
Ai by Hanyu-maru
Akari by Websta
Albiole by DrKelexo
Alcott by Kamekaze
Alex by GM
Alfred by tora
Alsion3rd by shimon
Alter Amiba by MelvanaInChains + The_None
Amakusa by misao
Amano by abuhachi
Amingo by Kamelcaze
Anakaris by hsiehtm
Ananzi by Andres Borghi
Andrew by ohgaki
Andy by Infinite
Andy by ilcaruga
Angela Belti by DrKelexo
Angus by The_None
Animus by Andres Borghi
Anonym by NS
Another Kyo by Mouser 8180. Byakko
Armgon by Kamelcaze
Ash by Chazzanova at Quickfist
Asura by ahuron
Athena by Websta
Axel Hawk by DarkSide Joe
Axel Stone by Dick Buckus
BJenet by Infinite
B.0rchid by AHRIMANES
BOBBY by Neat Unsou
Baby Bonnie Hood by Baby Bonnie Hood
Balrog by Kamelcaze
Batman by Alucard
Batsu by R@CE AKIR@
Beavis by The_None
Belmont Trusdale by Kamelcaze
Benimaru Nilcaido by Deuce
Bern 8!. Lambda by Hanyu-maru
Big Bear by ("o")
Billy Kane by Infinite
Billy Two Moons by MelvanaInChains
Billy by ikaruga
Birdie by ("o")
Bishamon by E-FRY
Black Widow by ("o")
Blair by Dampir
Blanka by ("o")
Blizzard by The_None
Blodia by GM
Blue Mary by tora
Bootleg Ryu by DrKelexo
Briaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan by Ahuron
Brocken by GM
Bubblun by Gladiacloud
Butt-head by The_None
C.Kidd by DarkSide Joe
CHANG by Ahuron
Cable by Infinite
Cammy by Phantom.of.the.Server
Captain Commando by Splode
Carlos by NS
Carol by Veanko
Chaka by Nimame
Charles by Masukenpu-kunZ
Charlie by Phantom.of.the.Server
Charlotte by misao
Chili N Pepper by The_None
Chinnen by wara
Chizuru 71113 by Sander71113
Chris by Ahuron
Chronos by aol:maniac13
Chun Li by Conversion World - J.Lee
Chun-Li by Jmorphman
Clark by ikaruga
Cody_A by Felicity
Colossus by Felicity
Condor by Kamekaze
Cool by mass
Cpt. Falcon by Kamekaze
Crow by ikaruga
Cyber Akuma by MystikBlaze
Cyborg T-8P by The_None
Cyborg_D-9F by ("o")
Cycloid Omega by Ahuron
Cycloid Sigma by Ahuron
Cyclops by Loganir 8!. VerB6
Dan by Warusaki3
Dan by Warusaki3
Daimon 71113 by Sander71113
Dan by (A05)
Dan by Phantom.of.the.Server
Dante by bugya
Dark Chun-Li by Big Eli King
David Bell by The_None + Balthazar
Death Adder by Mike Obrecht
Deathmasl: by DIKe|eX0
Dee Jay by mmrib
Dee by Gal129
Demitri by vanity13
Devo by Nimame
Dhalsim by Gal129
Diba by MelvanaInChains
Donatello by Dcat Power
Donkey Kong by Exclamation_Question
Donovan by Zelgadis296
Dougster by ("o")
Dr.Doom by Infinite
Dragon Claw by Reu
Drew by (A05)
Duck King by tora
Dudley by Kamekaze
Duo Lon by Chazzanova
E-Terry 71113 by Sancler71113 81 Maximillian J[E]nus
E. Honda by Phantom.of.the.Server
EBE by Masukenpu-kunZ
EDDIE by muteki
EX Rugal by Kamekaze
Eagle by Byakko
Earl by RoySquaclRocks
EarthQuake svc by AcUapan
Earthworm Jim by DrKelexo
Eiji by ikaruga
Electro by Loganir 8!. VerB6
Elena by Umihei
Evil Dan by ilcane87
Evil Ken by Reu
Hanzo by (A05)
Hanzo by Kasumi1030
Haohmaru by Capuchino
Haohmaru by Z Sabre User
Haohmaru by ikaruga
Harima by ("o")
Hashi by Andres Borghi
Hawk by mass
Hayato by Felicity
Heavy D! by Ahuron
Heidern by ikaruga
Hinako by RYO zoos
Hinata Wakaba by Li_Kun & Fervicante
Hiryu by mass
Hokuto by DEMAN
Hol ‘Butt King‘ Funtimes by DrKelexo
Hol horse by y.y
HolHorse by ouchi
Hon-Fu by mouser
Hotaru by GM
Hsien-K0 by Phantom.of.the.Server
Hugo by GM
Hulk by Kamekaze
Hwa Jai by Ahuron
I-N0 by muteki
IGGY by Ga|129
IORO by Error Macro (EMW)
Ibuki by GM
Iceman by Splode
Ingrid by CrazyKoopa
International Karateka by The_None
Iori by Hh
Iori by ikaruga
Ironfist by Ahuron
Ironman by Magus
Ivan Ooze by O Ilusionista
J.P.Po|nareff by Nimame
JAGI by Drowin hokuto
JUSTICE by muteki
Jack Dawson by Exclamation_Question
Jack by NS
Jackie Chan by mass
Jago by Shift b is B
Jamm by mass
Jean Pierre by aclamskie
Jedah by Deuce
Jesse by The_None
Jhun by David Demianoff
Jill by SeanAltly+ DivineWolf
Jimmy by RYO zoos
Jin Kazama by Byakko
Jin smbme by hsiehtm
Jin bros by NRF
Joe Higashi by Byakko
Joe Higashi by ohgaki
Johnny by Shimon
Johnny by muteki
Joker by N61
Jon Talbain by 5p|OC|e
Joseph Joestar by y.y
Joseph by Nimame
Josuke by 220+
Jotaro by Warusaki3
Juggernaut by Splode
Jyashinsai by shimon
Jyubei Yagyu by NRF
Jyuzumaru by Ikaruga
K‘ by ikaruga
K9999 by Silencer 8!. OrochiKOF97
KEN by Kamekaze
KENSHIRO by Drowin bomb
xumo by MASA
KUSANAGI by ikaruga
Kaede by Websta
Kaf Ka by The_None
Kain by Infinite
Kairi by Mr.Karate and Gustavo C. Moraes
Kakyoin Noriaki by Nimame
Kanae by aokmaniac13
Kanji by Silencer
Karin by Phantom.of.the.Server
Karman-Cole by mass
Karnov by aclamskie
Kasumi by KoopaKoot
Kasumi by ikaruga
Kawajiri Kosaku by, ,U,e,a,i
Kazu by The_None
Keith by mouser
Ken 3rd S.G.M. by Renzoku
Ken by GM
Ken by Phantom.of.the.Server & Jmorphman
Kim Kaphwan bylmorphman
Kim Kaphwan bytora
King Lion by Websta
King by N5
Kisarah by mouser
Knuckles by Veanko
Kokesz by Adamlexus
Krang by Dcat Power
Krauser by Infinite
Krauser by ikaruga
Krizalid by Nyankoro
Kula by beppu
Kung Fun Man by MelvanaInChains
Kusanagi by David Demianoff
Kusaregedo by Hh
Ky by muteki
Kyo by Sander71113
Kyo by ikaruga
Kyosuke by Kamekaze
Kyoushirou Senryou by NRF
Laurence by tora
Lee by Hanyu-maru
Leo by Ga|129
Leon by wou
Leonardo by Dcat Power
Leone Abbacchio by amarimono
Li Xiangfei by tora
Licht by Masukenpu-kunX
Lihua by seki-rou
Lilith by misao
Lin by RYO zoos
Lipsyncher by DarkSide Joe
Lord Zedd by DemonLord Of T.M.L.
Lucia Fernandez by On.Off 8!. Fervicante
Lucky by Sander71113
Luke Skywalker by DJ HANNIBALROYCE
Lynn by ikaruga
M.Bison by N-Mario
M.Bison by b54Mario84
M.Bison by Phantom.of.the.Server
MUDMAN by OmegaPsycho
Magaki by jirl
Magneto MVC2ver by Nobuyuki
Mahael by shimon
Major Dutch by ("o")
Makaryudo by DrKelexo
Makoto by NHK
Maraiah by rei
Marco by ahuron
Mari by Duck@ss 81 DJ HANNIBALROYCE
Marrow by Buyog 8!. Ryou Win
Mars People by Websta
Master Huang by l(enshinHimura
Maxima by beppu
Mecha-gorilla by NRF
Mega Man by Felicity
Mexican Typhoon by O Ilusionista
Michael Jordan by Exclamation_Question
Michelangelo by Dcat Power
Micky by N5
Midknight byJuan C3I|0S
Mike Macho Haggar by ("o")
Milan Flare by mass
Ming Ming by XCB
Missing IQ Gomes by ('~b'~)
MissingNo. by The_None
Mizuchi by Websta
Mobo by Roy SquadRocks
Morrigan by Phantom.of.the.Server
Mr. Bear by The_None
Mr. x by SeanAltly
Mr.Big by ikaruga
Mr.HEART by rei
Mr.Karate by CIRIO
Mr.Karate by Warusaki3
Mr.karate2 by beppu
Ms. Fanservice by DrKelexo
Muhammad Ali by Exclamation_Question
Musashi by MelvanaInChains
Muscle Power by GM
NEODIO by jin
Nakoruru by Phantom.of.the.Server
Nameless by Ahuron
Necro by Umihei
Neol(yo 71113 by Sander71113
No-Name by rien
Nool by Gal129
Norimaro by Ahuron
Noroko by Andres Borghi
Number Muncher by DJ HANNIBALROYCE
Omega Red bylwakick
Oni Inomura by Infinite
Orc by ikaruga
Oro by Umihei
Ortega by Dick Buckus
Oswald by ikaruga
Peketo by Andres Borghi
Petshop by rei
Phobos by misao
Pielle by ("o'*)
Poochy by shimon
Possessed Heita by The_None
Potemkin by muteki
Predator by HSR
Prosciutto by amarimono
Psychopath Kyo by DrKelexo
Psylocke by WhiteMagic2002
Pure and Fur by Gladiacloud 8L Beximus
Pyron by vanity13
Q by Umihei
Q-Bee by misao
RANGLE by AnkokuNaitou
REI by ahuron
ROBO-JAM by ukege
ROBO-KY by ukege
Raiden by ("o")
Rainbow Guile by Ikaruga
Ralf by Infinite
Ralf by Vans
Ramda by ikaruga
Ramon by Sander71113
Raphael by Dcat Power
Rasetsumaru by R@CE AKIR@
Rasputin by DarkSide Joe
Rayden by Patrick Ching(Pneophen)
Reject No. 253 by Kamekaze
Remy by Umihei
Ren Idagawa bylango + The_None
Rick Simpsons by ("o")
Rick Strowd by NHK
Rick Taylor by otz-kai
Rikuo by Splode
Rila by DrKeIexo
Robert by Chazzanova
Robo Rock Type-Z by y.y
Robo Rock by y.y
Robo by RoySquadRocks
Roche by mass
Rock by Warusaki3
Rock by ikaruga
Rogue by Splode
Rolento by rei
Roll by hsiehtm
Ronald McDonald by kishio
Rorschach by SeanAlt|y
Rose by varo_hades
Rubber Soul by bad darkness
Ruby Heart by Kamekaze
Rugal by Warusaki3
Ryo by Warusaki3
Ryo by ikaruga
Ryofu by shimon
Ryu by NRF
Ryu by Phantom.of.the.Server
Ryu by Umihei
Ryu by ikaruga
Ryuhi by AnkokuNaitou
SLAYER by muteki
SPY-DAMA by fu-lin
SSF2Xé:‘éw V1 by MASA
SSJ Goku Z2 by Balthazar 8!. Cybaster
Sabretooth by Kamekaze
Sabrewulf by Shift b is B
Sagat by Kamekaze
Sagat by N64Mario84
Sai by Mikita
Saibamen by Balthazar + The_None
Saiki by or2=3
Saisyu by Vans
Saizo by RYO 2005
Saizo by shimon
Sakazaki Ryo by Byakko
Sakura by Phantom.of.the.Server
Sakura by ikaruga
Sandman by McCready 81 Loganir
Sasquatch by Sander71113
Sasuke by ("o")
Scorp by Dick Buckus
Scorpion by Kazmer13
Sean by rei
Segalow by The_None
Senator Lieberman by The_None
Senator by Elecbyte
Sentinel by XsLaught
Sentro by The_None + Balthazar
Setsuna by Orochi Herman
Shadow DIO by Orochi Herman
Shadow DIO by Orochi Herman
Shadow Geist by DEMAN
Shadow Kouma by The_None
Shadow by aokmaniac13
Shaky Jake by MelvanaInChains
Shang Tsung by MelvanaInChains + The_None
Shaq by The_None
Shar-makai by Andres Borghi
Sheen by GM
Shen by ikaruga
Shermie by Anjel
Shimo by ikaruga
Shin Akuma by Phantom.of.the.Server
Shin Akuma by Phantom.of.the.Server
Shin Vega by Kamekaze
Shingo by ikaruga
Shinnosuke Kagami by Orochi Herman
Shion by DrKelexo
Shizumaru by Capuchino
Sho Hayate by ironjw
Sho Kamui by ("o")
ShotoBorg Mk. II by Kamekaze
Shredder by Dcat Power
Shura by GM
Silver Samurai by Corntortillas
Sissy by Chloe
Skate Hunter by Dcat Power
Skaxl Roa by DrKelexo
Sketch Turner by Farengeit
SkulloMania by DEMAN
Skullomania by SeanAltly8LDivineWolf
Slamdunk by The_None
Slash by Inverse
Sodom by Splode
Sol by muteki
Soldier by ikaruga
Bootleg Sonic by Some Guy
Sonic by Veanko
Spider-Man by Kong
Spinal by Shift b is B
Spiral by Luchini
Stingray by Infinite
Storm by WhiteMagic2002
Strawbelly Jam by MelvanaInCha|ns
Street Fighter Is Boring You Idiots by The Doritos Factory
Strider Hiryu by Splode
Suave Dude by Masukenpu-kun
Sub-Zero by Pneophen
Sun Wu Kong by MelvanaInChains
Super Mario by ShinRyoga BL NeOaNkH
Superman by Hannibal/Kal-Elvis and Friends
Syous by JC
Tabasa by NHK
Tails by Veanko
Takuma by Victorys
Tao Jun by Yes
Tengu Gou Hibiki by (unknown)
Terry by GM
Terry by Warusaki3
Terry by ikaruga
Tetsu by XCB
Thanos by -Whip|ash-
The Griffon by GM
Thor by Loganir 81. BlackDragon
Thunder Megazord by Pyrovivi
Tiffany Lords by Fervicante
Tiger by Dick Buckus
Titan The Great by ("o")
Todo by rei
Toelam by RoySquadRocks
Tony Won by mitai dake
Torao Onigawara by NHK
Trident by Keioh
Trigger by mass
Trouble Man by DrKelexo
Tung Fu Rue by Websta
Tusk by Shift b is B
Twelve by rei
Ukyo by intense_mc
Unlucky Glauber by Ahuron
Urien by One Winged Angel
Urien by Umihei
VENOM by muteki
Vanessa by Deuce
Vanilla Ice by Warusaki3
Vega by N64Mario84
Vega by rei
Vegeta Z2 by Balthazar 8!. Cybaster
Vergil by bugya
Vice by OrochiKOF97
Vice by or2=3
Victor by CNGSOFT
Viper by The_None
WERLECK by AnkokuNaitou
Wario by Warner
Washizuka by ikaruga
Well by SeanNot|y
Whip by Hh
White Buffalo by shimon
Wolf by The_None
Wolf by ikaruga
Wolverine by Sander71113
Wonder Woman by Loganir
Wooden_Do|| by Rick
Xavier Pendragon by Keioh and Juan Carlos
Xenomorph by HSR
YAMAZAKI by zzzasd
Yamazaki by Sander71113
Yamazaki by Warusaki3
Yang by Kamekaze
Yashiro by Ahuron
Yun by F|owaGir|
Yun by Umihei
Yun by Warusaki3
Yuri by Phantom.of.the.Server
Yurika Kirishima by Fervicante
Z-Akuma by N64Mario
ZAGI by ukege
ZAPPA by muteki
Zabel by misao
Zangief by Kamekaze
Zangief by Sodonl-IID
Zangief by rei
ZangiefHD by or2=3
Zankuro by misao
Zero by marktwo_ism
alessi by Hh
arina by NHK
baldhead by bad darkness
boss by amarimono
buguu by Masukenpu-kun by NGI
cheng by krunkest404
dan by Warusaki3
dirtyfat by NGI
doppo orochi by tokage
evilmiopinja by NGI
footee by NHK
fungi by Masukenpu-kunZ
gen_an by KusareMiyabi
giano by AIDUZZI
giant by yumehiko
hasshie by Masukenpu-kunZ
judy by NGI
kagemaru by Masukenpu-kun
kangaru by Masukenpu-kun
karla by mass
kiriko by NHK
kou by Ikaruga
kuando by AIDUZZI
kung fu man by N64Mario
michaeljackson by RyuUi SinYongKwon
miopinja by NGI
ninja by Masukenpu-kun
order-sol by muteki
ouyang feng by NGI
peijin-san by Masukenpu-kun
pucca-toppo by Masukenpu-kunZ
pulse-K by Masukenpu-kunZ
rainbow by NGI
rasetsumaru by ali
roomi by ali
santaurus by NGI
shishimaru by ali
silkheart by Masukenpu-kunZ
simple by Masukenpu-kun
sumo by Masukenpu-kun
tamtam by ali
tarochan by Masukenpu-kun
tesse by NHK
trish Una by, ,U,e,a,i
wraith by ("o")
yamazaki by Hh
zantetsu by Nyankoro